Embarking on the Abbreviated Inca Trail Adventure to Machu Picchu

Stepping onto the Inca Trail is like entering a time machine, whisking you 500 years into the past to relive a chapter of Inca culture. This iconic trek isn’t just a journey; it’s a portal to the footsteps of ancient Peruvians, tracing the paths they crafted to weave through the magnificent Inca empire.

Today, we invite you to join us on this extraordinary but brief adventure to Machu Picchu, where history unfolds and breathtaking landscapes unveil themselves along the way. This two day trek is a testament to the challenges faced and the beauty experienced, providing a glimpse into the incredible journey that awaits. Come walk with us as we retrace the footsteps of history and immerse ourselves in the wonders of the Inca Trail.

Day 1: A Dawn Commencement to Wiñayhuayna

Our condensed Inca Trail journey to the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu kicks off at the crack of dawn, with our team picking you up from your hotel around 5:00 am. A 2-hour journey with your knowledgeable guide leads us to Ollantaytambo, where the Expedition Train awaits to transport us to our starting point: KM 104, known as “Chachabamba.”

Upon reaching this starting point, the gateway to the Inca Trail, you’ll need to present your Inca Trail ticket and your original passport. The trek officially begins here, unfolding into a 3.5 to 4-hour hike to Wiñayhuayna, where a delightful lunch awaits. The trek to Wiñayhuayna is a visual feast, surrounded by breathtaking flora and landscapes that captivate the senses.

Post-lunch, we embark on a two-hour trek to Intipunku, aptly named “the Sun Gate,” offering panoramic views of Machu Picchu and the encircling mountains. A brief 20-minute rest rejuvenates us before we make our way to the crowning jewel, the “Lost City of the Incas” – Machu Picchu. As the Inca Trail concludes, we enter the wonder of Machu Picchu, and a bus ride takes us to Aguas Calientes for a relaxing evening at your hotel.

Day 2: Uncovering the Mysteries of Machu Picchu

Our second day commences with an early breakfast at 5:00 am, followed by a bus journey to the Aguas Calientes station. From there, we take a bus to Machu Picchu Inca town. To enter this architectural marvel, you’ll need to present your passport, entrance ticket, and ISIC card if applicable. Between 8:00 and 10:00 am, your guide will lead you through Machu Picchu, unraveling its history and showcasing its ruins, temples, and significant sites.

Post-tour, you’ll have free time to explore the city, meandering through its myriad paths and absorbing the stunning surroundings. Having immersed yourself in the magnificence of the Incas’ city, you’ll use your bus ticket to descend to Aguas Calientes and board the train back to Cusco via Ollantaytambo. The Expedition Train departs at 6:30 pm, arriving in Ollantaytambo after a 2-hour journey. A waiting bus in Ollantaytambo will seamlessly transport you to Cusco, concluding your expedition around 10:30 pm.

Feel free to customize your return journey by opting to change the train schedule, providing flexibility to extend or curtail your Inca Trail adventure.

A Call to Explore with Ritisuyo

As our whirlwind journey through the condensed Inca Trail comes to an end, we reflect not only on the ancient marvels we’ve witnessed but also on the enduring spirit of these sacred landscapes. The footprints left by the Incas, the breathtaking views from Intipunku, and the enchanting allure of Machu Picchu all echo the tales of a rich history.

At Ritisuyo, we understand the profound impact of such adventures. Our commitment extends beyond providing remarkable experiences to fostering a genuine connection with nature, culture, and the communities we encounter. The trails we tread are not merely paths; they are bridges to understanding, respect, and sustainable travel.

If the allure of exploring the wonders of Machu Picchu in a unique and meaningful way resonates with you, take the next step. Visit our website at https://ritisuyo.com and discover how Ritisuyo can turn your travel aspirations into transformative realities.

